Page 21 - Jonard Tools - Catalog 2021_0
P. 21    |    CATV / Coax Tools

        Compression Tools

        Many different fittings are used to terminate RG6 and RG59 COAX cables. Jonard offers compression tools to work with all types of connectors (BNC,
        PPC, Beldon, and more). See for a list of all compatible connectors.

        CT-200 - Universal Compression Tool designed for use on most F connectors (RG59, RG6, & RG11), BNC connectors (RG59 & RG6) and RCA
        connectors (RG59 & RG6).
        CTF-200 - Compression tool with a fixed design for use on the longer style F connectors (such as PPC® EXXLWS Aquatight connector, EX-XL and
        other similar length connectors)
        CTF-200CG - Compression tool with a fixed design for use on Corning Gilbert connectors. Tool also works with brands such as PPC & Thomas Betts.
        CTF-230 - This dual compression tool is two tools in one, combing the features of the CTF-200 and the CTF-300. It is designed for use on either
        short or long F connectors (such as PPC EX6 and PPC EX6XL), and also works on most RG 11 connectors. The Green ring side of the plunger is for
        the “short” PPC EX6 style
        CTF-300 - Compression tool with a fixed design for use on the shorter style F connectors (such as PPC Aquatight Connector EX or shorter
        connectors and other similar length connectors).

         SPECIFICATIONS          CT-200           CTF-200          CTF-200CG       CTF-230          CTF-300
         DESCRIPTION             Universal Compression  Compression Tool   Compression Tool   Dual Compression Tool Compression Tool
                                 Tool             Fixed - Long     Fixed - Long CG  - Short and Long  Fixed - Short
         CONNECTOR TYPE          Adjustable       Fixed            Fixed           Fixed            Fixed
         CONNECTOR LENGTH        Short & Long     Long             Long            Short & Long     Short
         HANDLE COLOR            Green/Blue       Blue             Blue            Green/Blue       Green
         REPLACEABLE PLUNGER P/N 21881            N/A              N/A             21912            N/A
         QR CODE

                                                       COAX Cable Gripping Tool - CG-100
                                                       Designed to grip RG59, RG6, RG7, and RG11 cables, this COAX cable
                                                       gripping tool facilitates the stripping, slitting, splicing, and other
                                                       functions of coaxial cables.                           CG-100

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