Page 90 - Jonard Tools - Catalog 2021_0
P. 90


        Jonard force gauges are all ergonomically designed and have become the industry standard for measuring force. Our 3 different lines of force
        gauges are used by a multitude of industries and these gauges are being used in over 1000 different applications for measuring, calibrating,
        standardizing, testing and evaluating.

        Measurement is extremely simple. Just place point of gauge arm perpendicular to the force to be measured. Reading can be taken in both directions
        - clockwise and counter clockwise. Gauges offer extreme precision and durability. The measuring springs are made of hard tempered annealed
        beryllium copper. All gauges equipped with maximum reading pointer.
                                                       Small Gauges
                                                       (Flat Tip, Dial Diameter 1 1/2”)
                                                                     RANGE IN     GRADUATION
                                                        JONARD P/N                             ACCURACY        Small
                                                                     GRAMS        IN GRAMS                    Gauges
                                                        GD-1             0-10          .20         ± .20
                                                        GD-3             5-35         1.00          ± 1
                                                        GD-5             10-50        1.00          ± 1
                                                        GD-10           20-100        2.00          ± 2
                                                        GD-15           50-150        5.00          ± 5
                                                        GD-25           30-250        10.00        ± 10
                                                        GD-30           40-350        10.00        ± 10

                                                       Large Gauges
                                                       (Round Tip, Dial Diameter 2 1/2”)
                                                                     RANGE IN     GRADUATION
                                                        JONARD P/N                             ACCURACY        Large
                                                                     GRAMS        IN GRAMS                    Gauges
                                                        GD-50           60-500        20.00        ± 20
                                                        GD-100          100-1000      25.00        ± 25
                                                        GD-200          300-2000      50.00        ± 50
                                                        GD-400          700-4000      100.00       ± 100

                                                       Economy Push-Pull Tension Gauges
                                                       These high impact polystyrene cased instruments accurately measure
                                                       push pull forces. Gauge is graduated in two scales: grams and ounces.
                                                       Precision springs. Full scale accuracy is held to ± 1 graduation.  Economy Push-
                                                                                                             Pull Tension
                                                       Size: 1 1/2” wide x 1” deep x 14” long.
                                                        JONARD P/N    AVOIRDUPOIS CAPACITY   METRIC CAPACITY
                                                        GPP-8         8 oz. x 0.25 oz.       220 g x 5 g
        GPP-8  GPP-15  GPP-36  GPP-72                   GPP-15        15 lb. x 4 oz.         6,804 x 100 g
                                                        GPP-36        36 oz. x 0.5 oz.       1,020 g x 20 g
                                                        GPP-72        72 oz. x 1 oz.         2,025 g x 25 g

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