Page 81 - Jonard Tools - Catalog 2021_0
P. 81    |    Wire Wrap Tools

        Wire Wrapping is a method of making a wire connection by coiling the bare wire around the sharp corners of a terminal under mechanical tension.
        The technology was developed as an alternative to soldering, which presents various safety and reliability problems in many applications. A
        principal advantage of wire wrapping is that it provides a high-reliability connection that is also easily removed to correct or modify a wiring layout.
        Wire wrapping subjects the wire to tremendous tension and compression forces, causing the oxide layer on both wire and terminal to be crushed
        or sheared, resulting in a clean, oxide-free metal-to-metal contact. A standard wrap is generally used for 18 AWG and larger diameter wires; a
        modified wrap is typically used for 26 AWG and smaller wires, and is used almost exclusively for 28 to 30 AWG wires. In either case, the wrap style
        affects only the connection’s mechanical stability; both styles provide suitable electrical connections.
                                Metal-to-Metal Contact                     Strip Force Chart*
                                By bending the wire around the sharp corner of the   WIRE SIZE  MIN NUMBER OF   MIN. STRIP FORCE
                                terminal, the oxide layer on both wire and terminal is   AWG  DIA.  DIA.  TURNS
        A                       crushed or sheared, and a clean, oxide-free metal-to-  INCHES  MM  (BARE WIRE)   LBS.  GMS
                                metal contact is obtained.                   16   .051  1.30      4        15   6800
                   B                                                         18   .0403  1.00     4        15   6800
                                                                             20   .032  0.80      5         8   3600
                                Types of Wrap                                22   .0253  0.65     5         8   3600
                                A “Regular” bit wraps the bare wire around the terminal.   24  .0201  0.50  6  7  3200
                                A “Modified” bit wraps a portion of insulation around   26  .0159  0.40  7  6   2700
                                the terminal in addition to the bare wire. This greatly   28  .0126  0.32  7  5  2200
                                increases the ability to withstand vibration.  30  .0100  0.25    7        3.3  1500
           Regular   Modified                                              *Conforms to MIL-STD-1130B
        How to Make Wire Wrapped Connections           Some Hints on Making Wrapped Connections

                        Step 1: Bit, Sleeve and Pre-Stripped Wire  OVERWRAP                       OPEN WRAP & SPIRAL WRAP
                                                              Do not press too hard. Let the      Just keep the OK tool on the terminal
                                                              OK tools do the work. Excessive     until the wrap is complete. Early
                                                              pressure can lead to overwrapping.   removal can result in spiral and
                        Step 2: Wire Insertion                Backforce “BF” to prevent           open wraps.
                                                              overwrapping is available on most
                                                              power tools and is recommended for
                                                              use with 26 thought 30 AWG wire.
                        Step 3: Wire Anchoring
                                                              INSUFFICIENT TURNS           PIGTAIL
                                                              It’s easy to feed wire into the slot   Wire wrapping is a precision
                        Step 4: Terminal Insertion            in the OK bit correctly. Be sure the   technique and the wrong bit and
                                                              stripped end of the wire is “pushed-  sleeve just cannot do the job.
                                                              in” all the way.             Improper selection can cause
                                                                                           problems ranging from “Pigtails” to
                        Step 5: Finished Connection                                        loose wraps.
        Terminal Diagonal Chart
                                                         Dimension B
               In.         .010         .015         .020         .025         .030         .035         .040         .045         .050          .055        .060         .065         .070         .075         .080        .085          .090         .095         .100
                 mm        0.25       0.38        0.51       0.64        0.76        0.89       1.02       1.14        1.27        1.40       1.52       1.65        1.78       1.91       2.03        2.16       2.29        2.41       2.54
              .010        .014         .018         .022         .027         .032         .036         .041         .046         .051          .056        .061         .066         .071         .076         .081        .086          .091         .096         .101
                 0.25        0.36       0.46        0.56       0.69        0.81        0.91       1.04       1.17        1.30        1.42       1.55       1.68        1.80       1.93       2.06        2.18       2.31        2.44       2.57
              .015        .018         .021         .025         .029         .033         .038         .043         .047         .052          .057        .062         .067         .072         .077         .082        .087          .092         .097         .102
                 0.38        0.46       0.53        0.64       0.74        0.84        0.97       1.09       1.19        1.32        1.45       1.58       1.70        1.83       1.96       2.08        2.21       2.34        2.46       2.59
          Dimension A    .025        .027         .029         .032         .035         .039         .043         .047         .050         .056          .060        .065         .069         .074         .079         .084        .089          .094         .099         .104
              .020        .022         .025         .028         .032         .036         .040         .045         .049         .053          .058        .063         .068         .073         .078         .083        .088          .093         .098         .103
                 0.51        0.56       0.64        0.71       0.81        0.91        1.02       1.14       1.25        1.35        1.47       1.60       1.73        1.85       1.98       2.11        2.24       2.36        2.49       2.62
                 0.64        0.69       0.74        0.81       0.89        0.99        1.09       1.19       1.27        1.42        1.52       1.65       1.75        1.88       2.01       2.13        2.26       2.39        2.52       2.64
              .030        .032         .033         .036         .039         .042         .046         .050         .054         .058          .062        .067         .071         .076         .080         .085        .090          .095         .100         .105
                 0.76        0.81       0.84        0.91       0.99        1.07        1.17       1.27       1.37        1.47        1.58       1.70       1.80        1.93       2.03       2.16        2.29       2.41        2.54       2.67
              .035        .036         .038         .040         .043         .046         .049         .052         .056         .060          .064        .069         .073         .078         .082         .087        .091          .096         .101         .106
                 0.89        0.91       0.97        1.02       1.09        1.17        1.25       1.32       1.42        1.52        1.63       1.75       1.85        1.98       2.08       2.21        2.31       2.44        2.57       2.69
              .040        .041         .043         .045         .047         .050         .052         .056         .060         .064          .068        .072         .076         .080         .084         .089        .092          .097         .102         .107
                 1.02        1.04       1.09        1.14       1.19        1.27        1.32       1.42       1.52        1.63        1.73       1.83       1.93        2.03       2.13       2.26        2.34       2.46        2.59       2.72
              .045        .046         .047         .049         .050         .054         .056         .060         .063         .067          .071        .074         .078         .083         .087         .091        .096          .101         .105         .109
                 1.14        1.17       1.19        1.25       1.27        1.37        1.42       1.52       1.60        1.70        1.80       1.88       1.98        2.11       2.21       2.31        2.44       2.57        2.67       2.77
              .050        .051         .052         .053         .056         .058         .060         .064         .067         .071          .074        .078         .082         .086         .090         .094        .098          .103         .107         .111
                 1.27        1.30       1.32        1.35       1.42        1.47        1.52       1.63       1.70        1.80        1.88       1.98       2.08        2.18       2.29       2.39        2.49       2.62        2.72       2.82
           Example: If “A”=.020”. “B”=.060”. The terminal diagonal is .063" as shown on chart.
          Example: If “A”=.020”. “B”+.060”. The Terminal diagonal is .063” as shown on chart.
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