Page 39 - Jonard Tools - Catalog 2021_0
P. 39    |    Cable Installation

                    Ferret Lite                          Ferret Pro                           Ferret Plus
                   (Part # CF-100)                       (Part # CF-200)                      (Part # CF-300)

        The Ferret Lite is a general-purpose high   The Ferret Pro is a professional & durable next   The Ferret Plus brings you the ultimate
        quality inspection camera that gives eyes   generation inspection tool designed and   innovation in inspection technology. Includes
        inside hard to reach locations. It includes   engineered with award winning features   built-in (on board) memory and the first ever
        award-winning handy features with the   to provide easier, faster & safer visual   non-contact voltage detector that is not
        addition of the always up viewing mode to   inspections. Includes App controlled variable   handheld to help detect live cables from a
        help with intuitive inspections.     focus lens and super-fast charge.     greater reach than every before.

        Key features:                        Key features:                         Key features:
        •   Ferret always up viewing mode    •   Ferret always up viewing mode     •   Ferret always up viewing mode
                                             •   App controlled variable focus     •   App controlled variable focus
                                             •   Super fast charge                 •   Super fast charge
                                                                                   •   Built-in (on board) memory
                                                                                   •   Non-contact voltage detector

         MODEL                 FERRET LITE                  FERRET PRO                  FERRET PLUS
         PART #                CF-100                       CF-200                      CF-300
         DIMENSIONS            3  /4” long x 1” wide        3  /5” long x 1  /4”wide    3  /5” long x 1  /4”wide
                               (94mm x 24mm)                (80mm x 32mm)               (80mm x 32mm)
         CHARGE UP TIME        ~100 minutes                 ~80 minutes                 ~80 minutes
                                                            (95% charged in 60 minutes)  (95% charged in 60 minutes)
         CWB-11 WRIST STRAP    No                           Included                    Included
         NON CONTACT VOLTAGE   NA                           NA                          50V-600V AC (approx.)
         QR CODE

                                                       Ferret Stick
                                                       (Part # CFST-55B)

                                                       An extendable rod made of rust resistant lightweight stainless-steel   CFST-55B
                                                       frame and non-slip rubber handle with a secure wrist strap at the
                                                       bottom that offers excellent durability and versatility, both in terms
                                                       of its length and construction.

                                                       This tool extends up to 55” (140 cm) with 1/4 - 20UNC thread, which is compatible
                                                       with the Ferret Lite, Ferret Pro and Ferret Plus.

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